Shantelle Smith

Hi there! I'm Shantelle Smith

Data Science & Programming Experience

R and Python

Additional Programming Experience in Fortran90, Matlab, HTML5, and CSS3

Research Publications

  1. S. Smith, K. E. Altieri, M. Mdutyana, D. Walker, R.G. Parrott, K. A. M. Spence, J. Burger, and S. E. Fawcett (in review). Biogeochemical controls on ammonium accumulation in the surface ocean during winter in the Southern Ocean south of Africa.

  2. I. Weir, S. Fawcett, S. Smith, D. Walker, T. Bornman, S. Fietz (2020). Winter biogenic silica and diatom distributions in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

  3. S. F. Henley, Emma L. Cavan, S. E. Fawcett, R. Kerr, T. Monteiro, R. M. Sherrell, A. R. Bowie, P. W. Boyd, D. K. A. Barnes, I. R. Schloss, T. Marshall, R. Flynn, S. Smith (2020). Changing biogeochemistry of the Southern Ocean and its ecosystem implications. Frontiers in Marine Science.

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